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Holly demonstrates a modern twist to the long-existing world of crochet. Her talent reflects in the detail as she doesn't use any go-by instructions, but her sole talent and experience. Holly illustrates the perfect example of why fibers will be around forever, doesn't she?

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Holly Scheele

The Interview

What do you like most about living in Florida?

I love the warm weather and the beaches.

In case Florida hasn't always been your home, where are you from and what do you miss the most?

I grew up a military brat and have traveled the world my whole life. I married my husband during college and he was in the military also. When he got out of the military we tried out a couple of locations but love Florida the most.

How did you get into your crafty specialty?

My husband and I have 3 daughters so when they were little I decided I was going to make them hats for winter. From there it grew to friends and family and before I knew it I was making things for people everywhere.

How long have you been executing your unique skill?

I started crocheting in 2010.

Do you share your artistic tendencies with others? Who and how?

I have had people ask me how I make things and I am happy to teach them. Sometimes it's the basics, sometimes it's a specific stitch. I am always happy to share what I have learned.

Is there any other skill set you are interested in acquiring or already carry out?

As a fiber artist, I like to dabble in new crafts.

What do you find most challenging, when putting your product out into the world?

Finishing a new creation. I take my time and make sure I'm happy with it. Sometimes that means starting over.

How does your creativeness impact you?

I like to make pieces that I know will be with the recipient forever. Something that is special to them and has meaning.

Cuddy Creations Interview
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