Michelle Barker
The Interview
How long have you lived in Florida?
We moved here on Easter, 2016.
What do you like most about living in Florida?
I love the skies in Florida. Beautiful and bright. I also love that I have started a new chapter here with my family, creating new relationships and memories here in Lake Nona.
How did you get into your crafty specialty?
A few years ago I had to heal from a broken foot and decided to keep my mind active by learning a different style of drawing. When I tried tangling (repeated designs, like in an adult coloring book), I couldn’t even complete one full drawing. It wasn’t relaxing or meaningful to me. I had to make it my own somehow. My first Hid-n-Tangle was an optical illusion of a cat that represented my daughter.
How would your family and/or friends describe your artisanal crafts(wo)manship?
My friends use the words “Wow” and “Beautiful”.
My husband & daughter (in UCF art) can describe my style better than I can. They say that I “combine organic lines and shapes to create a work of art that can be appreciated for its fine detail as you search for the cleverly hidden elements you find along the way.”
Take note, that my husband (a graphic designer) ALSO says that I’m crazy for trying to make perfect lines by hand when we own iPads with drawing software. Maybe I am! But I don’t want to surrender the method of drawing by hand.
What do you think others underestimate the most about your craftiness?
That one is easy! The time it takes to create a finished product.
I get requests to make a specialized piece all the time. I would love to, but it isn’t possible. Each piece takes between 30 and 50+ hours.
My process starts with brainstorming concepts of theme, then initial arrangements of a few designs. Next, I spend many days researching interesting images, styles, and perspectives to “show” the different hidden elements I want to include.
How does your creativeness impact you?
For myself, I found that true “rest” lies not in relaxing, but in losing myself in something peaceful. I’ve found that in drawing. It’s a time to do something for me, without the “mom guilt”.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I think God just made me to be creative in a way that isn't like other people. Over time, I've gotten to do the most interesting things! I love encouraging people, making them feel special, and telling them they are significant. I think that is a gift. Creating Hid-n-Tangles is one way I can do that.